Holiday Calculator PLEASE REFER TO YOUR EMPLOYER’S POLICY DOCUMENTS FOR THEIR TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR THE HOLIDAY SCHEME. Enter information in the boxes below to view a summary of your savings and outgoings for additional holiday. Enter Details Please enter details below and click CALCULATE. Your gross annual salary (before deductions) £ Holiday Request in Days or Hours? Days Hours No. days you usually work each week days/week No. hours you usually work each week hours/week No. days of extra leave required days No. days of extra hours required hours Are you paid every…? Calendar month 4 weeks Calculate UPDATE & CALCULATE Deductions & Savings COSTS ARE DEDUCTED FROM GROSS SALARY, REDUCING TAX & NI CONTRIBUTIONS AS ILLUSTRATED. INTENDED AS AN ILLUSTRATION ONLY AND EXACT FIGURES MAY VARY. E&OB. Daily Salary Rate (Gross) per day Hourly Salary Rate (Gross) per hour Total Gross Cost Requested Holiday Gross salary reduced EACH MONTH FOR 12 MONTHS by: /month Gross salary reduced for 13 (4 WEEKLY) PAY PERIODS BY: /pay period Net salary reduced EACH MONTH FOR 12 MONTHS by: /month Net salary reduced FOR 13 (4 WEEKLY) PAY PERIODS by: /pay period If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit